Strategic Business Succession Planning: Should Your Involve Your Children?

Decision-Making for the Long-Term Benefit of Your Company Business succession planning is a critical process for ensuring the long-term success and viability of a company. It involves preparing for the future leadership of a business, often necessitating difficult and complex decisions. One of the most significant considerations is whether to involve children in the succession […]

Maximizing Social Security Benefits: Smart Timing and Planning

Use This Season to Reassess and Refresh Navigating Social Security benefits effectively requires strategic consideration and timing. It’s a cornerstone for many when planning for retirement, underscoring the necessity of understanding how to optimize your Social Security benefits. This blog explores the nuances of smart Social Security planning, emphasizing the critical nature of timing and […]

Crafting Your Ideal Retirement: Steps to a Secure Future

Practical Suggestions to Build the Golden Years of Your Dreams To build the life in retirement that you envision, there are retirement planning steps that are important to begin early on. Retirement planning is a key part of any sound financial plan. Procrastinating because you feel there’s plenty of time, or because you’re not sure […]

Maximizing Charitable Giving: Strategies for Making an Impact

Tips to Help You Practice Meaningful and Strategic Philanthropy Many people find that being philanthropic with their money brings them joy. After all, being charitable can be a meaningful experience and is a way to put your core values into practice. Recent data confirms this, as the 2022 Giving USA Foundation report has shown that […]

Tax Prep with a Financial Advisor: 5 Ways They Can Help

A Strong Financial Plan Includes a Strong Tax Strategy It’s important to consider strategies to help reduce your overall tax burden, especially as tax season is upon us. While you may know the benefits of working with a Certified Public Accountant  (CPA) to assist you, did you know that financial advisors can be helpful with […]

Creating a Lasting Legacy: Strategies for First-Generation Wealth Building

How to Grow and Preserve Your Assets for the Next Generation If you have a desire to build wealth for yourself and your loved ones and you are starting from ground zero, you are considered a first-generation wealth builder. Building generational wealth that will support you and your family now – and for generations to […]

Tax-Efficient Estate Planning Tips for High-Net-Worth Families

Strategies to Preserve More of Your Wealth Estate planning can be complex, both from a legal and financial perspective, as well as a personal one. Thinking about the end of your life can be fraught with emotions, but it’s an important undertaking if you want to ensure that your assets will be distributed according to […]

Love and Money: What to Do When Your Spouse Won’t Talk About Finances

If Financial Communication Doesn’t Come Naturally, You’re Not Alone Money conversations with your spouse are imperative when you want to achieve joint goals, and yet they don’t always come easily. Money is a very personal topic, and many people are not accustomed to discussing it. It can be downright perplexing when your spouse refuses to […]

The Financial Impact of Divorce After Age 50

‘Gray Divorce’ and Important Implications to Consider Facing a divorce after the age of 50, especially as you near retirement, can be especially fraught with financial implications you may not have considered. Even if you’ve been anticipating this significant life transition, often referred to as “gray divorce”, it may not have been a part of […]

Your Personal Finance Journey: Budgeting and Saving Tips

Budgeting and saving tips to help you optimize your finances.

Balance Your Budget and Your Lifestyle with These Five Tips Creating a budget is easy. Sticking to it is hard. Luckily, following savvy budgeting and saving tips can help. According to recent surveys, 74% of Americans have a monthly budget, but 84% of those with a budget fail to stick to it. If this sounds […]